Online Application / Announcer’s Script / Waiver
Printable pdf of the application
It’s time to get ready for the 41st Annual Granada Hills Holiday Parade!
This year’s theme is “Favorite Holiday Songs”

Online Application / Announcer’s Script / Waiver
Printable pdf of the application
It’s time to get ready for the 41st Annual Granada Hills Holiday Parade!
There is a slight nip in the air as it can only mean that it is time to dust off the flatbed, polish the harness, fluff the pom-poms, copy the sheet music, and start practicing the drills!
On behalf of the dedicated members of the entire Granada Hills Parade Committee, we wish to thank you for your interest and loyal support of the Granada Hills Holiday Parade.
The 40th Annual 2023 Granada Hills Holiday Parade is scheduled for Sunday December 3, 2023, kicking off at 1:30 p.m. RAIN or SHINE!
The John V. Ciccarelli Parade Awards Ceremony with light refreshments will follow immediately after the Granada Hills Holiday Parade at approximately 3:45 p.m. to 5 p.m at the Granada Hills High Charter parking lot near the main campus gate adjacent to the corner of Zelzah Ave. and Kingsbury Street.
NEW REQUIREMENT: Each parade entry is required to have one representative at the post-parade awards ceremony in order to be eligible to return the following year.
This year’s selected 2023 Official Granada Hills Holiday Parade Theme “HOLIDAYS IN CINEMA” is a fun opportunity to rekindle wonderful family viewing memories of many favorite Movies and Television Shows from the past 75 plus years, i.e., “It’s a Wonderful Life”, “The Grinch”, “White Christmas”, “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”, etc.
It is very important to note FULL FORWARD MOTION of all parade entries MUST be maintained as there is NO STOPPING IN FRONT of Parade Stand Judging location or any cable TV and announcers stands.
The Granada Hills Holiday Parade Committee takes great pride that it has never charged an parade entry fee and derives its financial support from its major sponsors: Granada Hills Community Foundation, Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce, Law Offices of Savin Bursk, 12th District Councilmember John Lee, Patriot Oil Trust Fund, Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, and local North Valley Neighborhood Councils, Civic Organization, and Business Sponsors.
However, due to escalating costs, we would like to ask for a voluntary tax-deductible donation of $35 payable to the Granada Hills Community Foundation. It would be much appreciated! There is a link to the Foundation’s PayPal account in the sidebar to the left of this post.
Looking forward to seeing you on a very festive and fun-filled Sunday Parade Day on December 3, 2023.
Granada Hills Holiday Parade Committee
Dear Granada Hills Holiday Parade Past Participants, Spectators, Parade Volunteers Planning Committee, Parade Fans, Admirers, Sponsors, and to the Young at Heart everywhere of the past 37 years!
On behalf of the proud event sponsor Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce and the dedicated Granada Hills Holiday Parade Committee Family, we wish to express our deepest appreciation to all of you who have played a vital part in the four-decade community legacy of the Granada Hills Holiday Parade as a parade entry, participant, spectator, parade sponsor, proud parent or grandparent, parade committee volunteer and more, including Santa and Mrs. Claus!
In lieu of the current year-long COVID realities of 2020 we could not let even this challenging period go by without an acknowledgment and continuance of observance with an “Official 2020 Virtual Edition” of the Granada Hills Holiday Parade to enjoy all together.
Please mark your upcoming calendar for the weekend of December 5-6, 2020, by which we will forward a Constant Contact Social Media of our “Virtual Edition” of the 2020 Granada Hills Holiday Parade and this year’s appropriate Official Theme “Happy Parade Memories.”
This Keepsake 2020 Granada Hills Holiday Parade tribute video will also then be posted on the official Granada Hills Holiday Parade Website
Do Remember and Note…Our 38th Annual Granada Hills Holiday Parade happily returns in December 2021 and we look forward to dusting off the Pom poms, check the Equestrian saddle and harness, shine the Musical Instruments, etc. to provide thousands of happy smiles and instill new Granada Hills Holiday Parade family memories!
Be safe in the coming months and our Best Wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving and Joyous Holiday Season!
John V. Ciccarelli
Honorary Mayor
Granada Hills
On behalf of the Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce and Granada Hills Community Foundation and our entire dedicated Granada Hills Holiday Parade Planning Committee Family, we wish to take this opportunity to regretfully announce the cancellation of this year’s 37th Annual Granada Hills Holiday Parade originally scheduled for Sunday, December 6th, 2020.
In the full interests of Covid-19 public health safety for parade participants and spectators alike, the decision to forgo this year’s event was made to protect the overall well being of everyone in lieu of varied uncertainties and pandemic circumstances.
Do rest assured that plans are being made for the 2021 Granada Hills Holiday Parade Event. We are excited to announce that, in honor of their proud 50th year (and then plus!) Victory Anniversary, the 1970 Granada Hills High School L.A. City Championship Football Team members are the Official 2021 Parade Grand Marshals and will kick off next year’s 38th Annual 2021 Granada Hills Holiday Parade and our Community Holiday Season.
In this current interim and in the coming weeks, an attempt to create a ”2020 Virtual” Granada Hills Holiday Parade Retrospective Look at past Granada Hills Holiday Parades for your upcoming Holiday Social Media viewing enjoyment this coming December. For you die-hard Granada Hills Holiday Parade Patch Collectors there may, in fact, be a 37th Annual Commemorative ”Zoom Parade Patch” to add to your jacket or memento parade patch collection!
We wish you and your families all the very best in these challenging times and to be safe and well!
John V. Ciccarelli, Alisa Altman, and Tom Williams
Granada Hills Holiday Parade Steering Committee
Granada Hills Holiday Parade Planning Committee
Cheryl Badgett, Leslie Strong, Emilie Koster, Josh Smith, Aaron Kahlenberg, Bonnie Bursk, Bette Biers, Mike Benedetto, Kerry Nelson, Lori Swana, Ralph Kroy, Mike Panman, Rick Donnelly, Larry Fleck, Jane Stanton, Melissa Messer, Liane Reynolds, Dick East, Devonshire Division LAPD Officer Joe Torres, Millie Jones, 12th District Council Office John S. Lee, Gary Farajian, Madlena Minasian, Paul Lecayo, Richard Fisk, Laine Caspi, Allison Robinson, Susan Ciccarelli, Jonathan Ciccarelli, Rob Dickey, and Maria Schwartz.